The Salzburg state administration supports citizens in all aspects of life with a wide range of services, from passport matters and building permits to social welfare benefits.
Starting Situation
The software landscape at the Salzburg state administration has grown over many years. As a result, there are numerous different solutions and interfaces, the maintenance of which requires substantial resources. To achieve a citizen-focused administration with more efficient processes, the authority is focusing on modernizing many of its systems.
Doctra stands on the side of the state administration in the document management space from consulting to implementation. The software specialist assists the authority in executing a forward-looking digitization strategy, defining standards for systems and processes, and implementing a unified document storage system based on OpenText, integrated with SAP.
The implementation of a standard platform allows the Salzburg state administration, to gradually adapt and replace existing systems, paving the way for a modern IT architecture. This gives the authority the necessary agility to respond flexibly at any time to changing conditions, such as new laws or regulations..
over 1.000 applications
and 3.000 workplaces
in the state administration
Starting Situation
The Salzburg state administration has taken it upon themselves to become one of the most sustainable and modern administrations in Europe. The biggest challenge in effectively digitizing and citizen-friendly designing administrative processes, is the outdated, heterogeneous IT architecture consisting of many sometimes non-integrated systems.
Additionally, there are numerous other challenges: ensuring reliable compliance with legal requirements in the areas of data protection and compliance, processing and providing information more efficiently, and increasing flexibility to keep pace with changing legal frameworks.
To overcome these challenges, the difficulty to maintain IT-infrastructure is being continuously modernized. A big problem, not only from a technical perspective. Therefore, the Salzburg state administration searched for an experienced partner, who not only has the necessary expertise and know-how in document management but can also comprehensively support the transformation process.
In Doctra the administration found a partner on equal footing, with extensive experience in digital document management. As a certified SAP and OpenText expert, Doctra offers a comprehensive system perspective, as well as significant practical experience in process optimization. This combination of skills is as crucial for contributing to project success as the deep understanding of organizational culture of the state administration that Doctra has acquired over the course of the collaboration. This ensured that employees could effectively use the new processes and solutions in their daily work.
"Doctra was able to fully justify the trust we placed in them as consultants for document management; from long-term strategy to implementation, we got everything from a single source“
Bernhard Glanzer - Leac Software Developer Land Salzburg

To ensure the administration remains future proof in the long term, Doctra supports the Salzburg state administration in identifying pioneering measures aimed at modernizing the IT architecture. A central aspect of this was creating a flexible system capable of meeting both current and future requirements reliably. The implementation of a unified software environment based on OpenText for document management, integrated with SAP human capital management (HCM) for managing personnel records. Thanks to standardized interfaces and openness for various technologies, new currently unknown applications and functions – ranging from standard solutions to various custom developments – can be efficiently integrated into the existing OpenText infrastructure.
Doctra designed and implemented, in close collaboration with various departments of the State of Salzburg, among other things, the digital personal file in SAP HCM. The personal business system digitalized important administrative processes, including the payroll accounting. Additionally, it offers self-serving functions, which for example allow employees to submit vacation requests independently. A comprehensive authorization concept ensures access to sometimes highly confidential information and thereby guarantees compliance with strict data protection regulations. Another highlight is the digitalization of real estate transactions. In land transfer transactions, all relevant documents are securely archived digitally in OpenText, enabling the implementation of seamless digital process. Individually programmed portals and apps facilitate the application process and allow external users, such as companies and lawyers, to access documents relevant to them. As part of a comprehensive digitization initiative, OpenText will be used in the future as the central document management system for the Social Information System of the State of Salzburg. Careful planning is required, as several million documents need to be migrated and equipped with extensive metadata.
With the implementation of OpenText and the integration into SAP, the state administration benefits extensively: Internal processes are more efficient and transparent, while it also becomes easier for external parties to access the information they need. OpenText as a document management system, is a key component, alongside other systems, for developing applications in a legally compliant and standardized manner.
- End-to-end digitization of administrative processes
- Improved service quality and greater citizen-friendliness
- Flexible software architecture to accommodate the diverse needs of the departments of the State of Salzburg
- Integration of municipalities and business-like entities into the digital personnel file, for which the State of Salzburg acts as a service provider
- Establishment of a central, keyword-tagged document management system
- Clear definition of user roles and permissions
- Differentiated allocation of document access rights based on user profiles
- Future implementation of compliance requirements, including automated deletion and standardized retention periods
- Ensuring an audit-proof document storage
Together Doctra and the Salzburg State Administration have already successfully implemented a wide range of projects. Doctra is committed to continuing to support the state of Salzburg in the strategic area of digitalization of state management in the future. The next steps are already in planning, always with the overarching goal in mind to create an administration, that can serve as a role model for innovative and citizen-oriented services.
The Salzburg state administration is responsible for open administration at both the state and district levels and plays a central role in the public life of Salzburg. The IT and internal services department manages the IT-infrastructure and oversees over 1,000 applications for more than 3,000 jobs within the state administration.
Further References

König Maschinen GmbH

Marquardt Service GmbH

Salzgitter Digital Solutions GmbH

Land Salzburg

MLP Financial Consulting SE

SRH Stiftung

Perlen Packaging
